Triple Frontier Filming Locations
We believe that we are all in agreement when we say that Triple Frontier was a kicka*s action movie! It’s a heist gone wrong movie that has non-stop explosive action! What more could you want in a film?! Not to mention Ben Affleck is an absolute beast in the movie as well. Another thing you may have noticed in the background of all the shooting, explosions, and death is the breathtaking scenery.
That’s what brings us here today. We were curious just like you about all the Triple Frontier filming locations producers used to create such a gorgeous atmosphere in the film. We have found all the locations that were used to make this epic film. Just keep on scrolling and we’ll get right into all the incredible filming locations!
If you liked Ben Affleck in this film, you’ll want to check out our list of the Best Ben Affleck Movies You Can’t Miss!
Where Was Triple Frontier Filmed

So, exactly where was Triple Frontier filmed? Well, we’ll start off with some broader locations just in case you are looking for a quick answer. Filming for the movie took place in Hawaii, Colombia, and California. Now, we’ll go into more detail about each location and the areas used inside these states and countries.
Locations Used In Hawaii
We’ll kick things off with Hawaii. Producers used the island of Oahu throughout the making of this movie for quite a few scenes. A very memorable scene used on the island is a short driving scene shot in viaducts of the Interstate H-3. Next up we have the border crossing, which film-makers filmed in Kaiaka Bay at Cane Haul Rd. For any school exterior scenes, producers used Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School in Kaneohe. Also, a warehouse in Kapolei near Kalaeloa airport was used for the MMA fight scenes.
Another major location is Gabriel Martin Lorea’s mansion. They used an enormous property located at Old Pali Rd, Honolulu. For the airstrip in the movie in the middle of mountain ranges, they used Dillingham Air Field in Waialua for that. Not only that, but it’s actually near the ocean and not in the middle of mountain ranges as seen in the film.
A location that had a lot of use is this movie is Kualoa Ranch. There are multiple scenes in the movie that were shot in various places around the ranch. One moment in the film that really had our hearts pounding was the massive cliff that you see the team inching their way across. Sadly, it’s actually only 3 feet above the ground in real life and can be found in Kualoa Ranch. It’s also a man-made ledge made by the production crew. One last location used on Oahu is Kaniakapupu Ruins, in Nuuanu Pali Dr. which made it into the movie in a jungle scene. That about wraps it up for all the locations used in Hawaii!
Locations Used In Colombia
Not as many locations were used in Colombia as in Hawaii. However, the locations that were used were pretty significant. Starting off with the massive ambush shootout at the beginning of the movie. Producers filmed this in La Isla neighborhood in Soacha, a Borough of Bogota. For the last scene of the movie film-makers used La Candelaria, which is also in Bogotá. That about wraps it up for Colombia in the making of this movie.
Locations Used In California
Finally, we have California. They used only one major location in California, and that was for the scenes that took place on those rocky, beautiful mountains. For those scenes producers used Obsidian Dome near Mammoth Lakes and Ellery Lake, located just outside Yosemite National Park.
That about wraps it up for all the Triple Frontier filming locations! We believe we have covered all the major locations used in the movie. We hope that we have answered all your questions regarding this movie’s filming locations!