7 Best Movies To Watch Stoned - Endless Popcorn
Scene from Ted for best movies to watched stoned post.

7 Best Movies To Watch Stoned

Scene from Ted for best movies to watched stoned post.

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If you’re stoned to the bone and are looking for something to watch, you’ve come to the right place! In this compilation of the best movies to watch stoned, we’ve put together a little bit of everything except horror – of course!

In this list, you’ll find movies that will twist your stoned brain into knots, movies that’ll make you laugh your ass off, and movies that’ll make you experience every emotion! So grab a snack to munch on and, look through this quick list of movies to pick whatever’s perfect for your stoned desires. Or why not watch them all, you’ll just need more snacks!

1.  Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Where To Watch

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Movie Description

If you want a great laugh, this man here is a true legend of comedy. Ron Burgundy can make a completely sober man piss his pants laughing, so just imagine the world of trouble you’ll be in if you watch him stoned!

2.  Ted

Where To Watch

Ted Movie Description

Not much to say here other than there’s nothing funnier than a talking teddy bear that drinks, smokes weed, and says f*ck… A lot.

3.  Pineapple Express

Where To Watch

Pineapple Express Movie Description

The absolute legends, Seth Rogan and James Franco getting high all the time. I really shouldn’t have to say more than that.

4.  This Is the End

Where To Watch

This Is The End Movie Description

Seth Rogan, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Kevin Hart, and wayyy more! This movie has all the funniest motherf*ckers out there! It’s a hilarious apocalyptic and bloody mess!

5.  John Wick

Where To Watch

John Wick Movie Description

Now, if you’re more into action while stoned, oh boy, do I have the perfect movie for you. John Wick is a beautiful hyper-realistic, violent blood fest ready for your viewing enjoyment! This movie has so much badassery that it’s bound to give you goosebumps. Let me tell ya, you most definitely, don’t want to f*ck with John Wick.

6.  The Princess Bride

Where To Watch

The Princess Bride Movie Description

This right here is an old classic. I could argue that it’s one of the best movies ever made! This movie will make you feel every emotion possible. If there is one movie that I’ve never heard anyone complain about, it’s The Princess Bride. You will enjoy every second of this movie stoned or not.

7.  Inception

Where To Watch

Inception Movie Description

Ohhh man, you are in for a major mind f*cking. This movie will destroy a sober man’s mind, so I can’t even imagine what will happen to your stoned brain. Good luck!

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